
Monetæ™ - Privacy Policy

This privacy policy governs your use of the software application Monetae (“Application”) for mobile devices and the respective website that were created by Jose Santos ("Developer"). The Application is a gesture-driven time zone converter iOS app. Users can swipe to check future times instantly and use availability indicators to connect at the best possible time. It helps coordinate events with people that are not that familiar with time zones. Used for travel, business, and general purpose worldwide.

User Provided Information

You can use the Application or visit our Web site anonymously. We collect information you voluntarily provide when you subscribe to our newsletter, join our Beta Program, fill out a form, or enter information on our app or website. We may use the information you provided us to contact you from time to time to provide you with important information, required notices, promotions, for security and fraud prevention, and to comply with the law. We may use the information we collect to improve the Application and our website to better serve you. We do not process sensitive personal information and do not receive any user information from third parties.

Automatically Collected Information

In addition, the Application may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device you use, your mobile devices unique device ID, your operating system, and information about the way you use the Application.

Does the Application collect precise real time location information of the device?

When you use the Application, we may use geolocation technology (GPS data) to determine your current location to determine the city you are located within and display time zone information, a location map, and relevant information. This Application does not collect precise information about the location of your mobile device. The GPS data collected remains on your mobile device and, with your consent, it can be securely shared with your iCloud account for synchronization across your devices. We do not share your current location with other users or partners.

If you do not want us to use your location for the purposes set forth above, you should turn off the location services for the Application located in your account settings or in your mobile phone settings and/or within the mobile application.

Do third parties see and/or have access to information obtained by the Application?

With your explicit consent, only aggregated, anonymous data is periodically transmitted to external services to help us improve the Application and our service. We will share anonymous information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this privacy statement. We may disclose User Provided and Automatically Collected Information:

  • as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process;
  • when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request;
  • with our trusted services providers who work on our behalf, do not have an independent use of the information we disclose to them, and have agreed to adhere to the rules set forth in this privacy statement;
  • if the Developer is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, you will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our Web site of any change in ownership or uses of this information, as well as any choices you may have regarding this information.

Automatic Data Collection and Advertising

We may work with analytics companies to help us understand how the Application is being used, such as the frequency and duration of usage. We work with advertisers and third party advertising networks, who need to know how you interact with advertising provided in the Application which helps us keep the cost of the Application low. Advertisers and advertising networks use some of the information collected by the Application, including, but not limited to, the unique identification ID of your mobile device. To protect the anonymity of this information, we use standard encryption technology to help ensure that these third parties can’t identify you personally.

We use Apple App Store Connect and Google Firebase for analytics and crash reports with users that have opted-in to anonymous data collection to improve the Application. We also use Google Ads on the Application with users of the free version. Google's advertising requirements can be summed up by Google's Advertising Principles: Google - Advertising Policies. They are put in place to provide a positive experience for users.


We may request to send you push notifications regarding your account or certain features of the application. You may also initiate the scheduling of notifications from the Application regarding time zone changes and additional relevant information. If you wish to opt out from receiving these types of communications, you may turn them off in your device's settings.

What are my opt-out rights?

There are multiple opt-out options for users of this Application:

  • You may at any time opt-out from further allowing us to have access to your location data. You may turn off the location services for the Application located in your account settings or in your mobile phone settings and/or within the mobile application under the Settings view.
  • You may at any time opt-out from further allowing us to collect anonymous data by opting out in the About section of the Application under the Settings view. This opt-out option is not available for beta releases using TestFlight due to testing and validation actions or for the oldest compatible iOS version due to version retirement planning.
  • Ultimately, you can stop all collection of information by the Application by uninstalling the Application. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device.

Data Retention Policy, Managing Your Information

We will retain User Provided data for as long as you allow it. We may retain Automatically Collected anonymous information. If you’d like us to delete User Provided Data that you have provided via the Application, use the unsubscribe options in our email communication or contact us by email and we will respond in a reasonable time.

We may share or transfer your information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company.

If you are in the EU or UK, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and UK GDPR require us to explain the valid legal bases we rely on to process your personal information. As such, we may rely on the following legal bases to process your personal information:

  • Consent. We may process your information if you have given us permission (i.e., consent) to use your personal information for a specific purpose. You can withdraw your consent at any time.
  • Legal Obligations. We may process your information where we believe it is necessary for compliance with our legal obligations, such as to cooperate with a law enforcement body or regulatory agency, exercise or defend our legal rights, or disclose your information as evidence in litigation in which we are involved.
  • Vital Interests. We may process your information where we believe it is necessary to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of a third party, such as situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person.

If you are in Canada, to be in accordance with CAN-SPAM Act, a standard for the sending of commercial e-mail, we agree to the following:

  • Not use false or misleading subjects or email addresses.
  • Identify the message as an advertisement in some reasonable way, if applicable.
  • Include the physical address of our business or site headquarters, where appropriate.
  • Monitor third-party email marketing services for compliance if one is used.
  • Honor opt-out/unsubscribe requests quickly.
  • Allow users to unsubscribe by using the link at the bottom of each email, if applicable.

If you are a California resident, in accordance with the CCPA, we only collect in the Application personal information for category G, geolocation data. We will use and retain the collected personal information as needed to provide application services for as long as the user has the Application installed. We may also collect other personal information outside of this category through instances where you interact with us in person, online, or by phone or mail in the context of:

  • Receiving help through our customer support channels;
  • Participation in newsletters, beta programs, customer surveys or contests; and
  • Facilitation in the delivery of our services and to respond to your inquiries.

You can ask for the deletion of your personal information. If you ask us to delete your personal information, we will respect your request and delete your personal information, subject to certain exceptions provided by law, such as (but not limited to) the exercise by another consumer of his or her right to free speech, our compliance requirements resulting from a legal obligation, or any processing that may be required to protect against illegal activities. We will not discriminate against you if you exercise your privacy rights. We do not process consumer's sensitive personal information.

If you are a Virginia resident, in accordance with the CDPA, the Developer states that it has not sold any personal data to third parties for business or commercial purposes. The Developer will not sell personal data in the future belonging to website visitors, users, and other consumers.


We do not use the Application to knowingly solicit data from or market to children under the age of 18. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, he or she should contact us. We will delete such information from our files within a reasonable time.


We are concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your information. We provide physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect information we process and maintain. For example, we avoid having access to personally identifiable information whenever possible. In addition, we limit access to this information to authorized employees and contractors who need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve our Application. Please be aware that, although we endeavor provide reasonable security for information we process and maintain, no security system can prevent all potential security breaches.

To be in line with Fair Information Practices we will take the following responsive action, should a data breach occur: We will notify the users via email, if applicable, within 7 business days. We will notify the users via in-site notification within 7 business days. We also agree to the Individual Redress Principle, which requires that individuals have a right to pursue legally enforceable rights against data collectors and processors who fail to adhere to the law. This principle requires not only that individuals have enforceable rights against data users, but also that individuals have recourse to courts or government agencies to investigate and/or prosecute non-compliance by data processors.


This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason. We will notify you of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy here. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes. You can check the history of this policy by clicking here.

Your Consent

By using the Application or this website, you are consenting to our processing of your information as set forth in this Privacy Policy now and as amended by us. "Processing,” means using cookies on a computer/hand held device or using or touching information in any way, including, but not limited to, collecting, storing, deleting, using, combining and disclosing information. If you reside outside the United States your information will be transferred, processed and stored there under United States privacy standards. If we are relying on your consent to process your personal information, which may be express and/or implied consent depending on the applicable law, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

If you explicitly provided your consent and want to make changes in the Application, go to Settings, then About. There, you can opt in or out of sharing anonymous information for the improvement of the Application, and if you are in the EU or UK, you can revisit your GDPR compliant consent choices.

Contact us

You have the right to request access to the personal information we collect from you, change that information, or delete it. To request to review, update, or delete your personal information, or if you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application or the website, or have questions about our practices, please contact us.

Last updated: 2024-03-08